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Minutes for the Montana Airport Management Association 

Annual Meeting  

Helena, MT 

Montana State Aviation Conference  

March 2, 2017 


CALL TO ORDER – (3:44pm) 

MAMA President Scott Humphrey called the meeting to order at 3:44PM and introduced members of the board including himself, Brian Ellestad – Vice President, Shane Ketterling – Vice President Class C, Jeff Kadlec – Secretary & Treasurer, and Lucas Locke – GA Airports Representative.   



Brian Sprenger – Motioned  

Kim “       “ – Seconded  

All Board members voted unanimously, the motion carried.   





Brian Ellestad presented the report and noted increase of $2,689.43 year over year.   


Checking:  $2,970.19 

Savings:  $1,166.86 

Money Market:  $79,606.89 


Total Assets:  $83,743.94   


Kim “       “  – Motioned   

Laura “     “ – Seconded  

All Board members voted unanimously, the motion carried.   



Scholarship/Internship Committee – (3:49pm) 


Jeff Kadlec reported that the Committee had received 10 applications for the MAMA Scholarship with every applicant having a flight major emphasis.  Jeff recommended a re-solicitation of the scholarship and make the necessary verbiage adjustments to require the student to discuss aviation management aspirations as consistent with the vision of MAMA.  The re-solicitation will go out immediately and will close on 3/7/17. 


The membership agreed to carry on with the Internship Airport Assistance Program even though there was little interest in this first year of the program.  Bozeman was the only applicant and was awarded the $3,500 match/assistance.   


This year’s solicitation period will be advertised to the membership in the next week or two and will have a close deadline at/around 4/30/17. 


Chris Jensen – Motioned   

Brian Sprenger– Seconded  

All Board members voted unanimously, the motion carried.   


LC 377 UPDATE – (4:01pm) 


Scott Humphrey provides an update on LC 377.  This was a proposed state grant program intended to help promote air service in Montana.  The proposed funding source was to increase the rental car tax from 4% to 5%.  The bill died a “quick and painful death.”   


The group also mentioned the state aviation fuel tax increase issue.  Debbie Alke spoke about the idea of raising the fuel tax from $.04 to $.06 which has been talked about for sometime.  The membership was asked if MAMA should support any fuel tax increases, oppose, or remain neutral.  Kevin Ploehn expressed concerns on the increased burdens on MDT Aeronautics’s limited resources if the grant program was expanded in any regard.  Lucas Locke states they’d like to see increased grant funds at the state level become available for the smaller airports.  Brian Sprenger recommended MAMA stay neutral at this time on any fuel tax proposed increases.  Great Falls airport agreed to remain neutral and follow MAMA.  The consensus of the membership was to remain neutral at this time and neither support or oppose any fuel tax increase.  


MDT Airway Beacons – (4:04pm) 


Debbie Alke gave an update on the MDT Airway Beacons issue.  MDT is recommending the shut down of all statewide airway beacons except Spokane Beacon, Strawberry Beacon, and the MacDonald Pass Beacon which is a registered historical landmark.  This would be a “nostalgia route.”  The recommendation for the shut down is cited to be due to the lack of use by the aviation pilot community and the ongoing maintenance expenses which are heavily tasking on the state.  Debbie continues, the Montana Pilot Association is looking into alternative ways to maintain some of the beacons.  An amendment was introduced to require the state to conduct a public process and a plan on how to address the beacons.  MDT is facing a 5% cut across the board.   


Brian Sprenger (4:19pm) motions for Lobbyist Support of MDT’s recommended beacon plan, Ted Mathis Seconded with Bill Burkland opposing.  The motion passed with the majority of the membership voting to support MDT’s recommended beacon plan. 


Community Impact Fees – (4:21pm) 


Brian Ellestad speaks on the issue regarding community impact fees and has sent out a correspondence to 7 airports.  Chris Jensen comments that such fees may be considered Revenue Diversion under the FAA Grant Assurances.  Steve Engebrecht informs the membership he will offer support and any emails if need be. 


Department of Commerce – Office of Tourism – (4:26pm) 


Tom Kaiserski with the Montana Department of Commerce speaks.  He provides a background on few programs including the Governor’s Mainstreet Montana and expresses interest in assisting airports with increasing air services.  He explains that the state has funds available for strategic planning and help with marketing.  This past year the state had over $235,000 in funding available for marketing opportunities.  The planning could look at what are the new markets out there to attract?  Which routes and even what new aircraft types?  Tom offered up the room to an open discussion as well as provided his contact information should anyone like to get ahold of him.      





Each member airport provided an update on activity at their airports.  New construction projects were the highlighted discussions for most.   


Shane Ketterling touches on the new RCAM Program requirements and mentions Billings was in fact a part of the pilot program.  Bozeman didn’t report any issues.  Pam Chamberlin with Butte Airport said they had issues and have since worked through them.  Chris Jensen at Missoula stated they have spent a lot more money and time to keep the runway open and in compliance.   


4:47pm – Uber  


Scott Humphrey discusses concerns about Uber and Lyft operations at Bozeman and how Bozeman is working through them.  He said at Bozeman drivers cannot sit and solicit curbside at the terminal.  Drivers must be more than 300ft from the terminal until the online agreement is made through the application.  He continues that Bozeman is working closely with Uber Corporate on developing a new agreement for smooth and fair operations.   


Billings Airport stated they also have a meeting with Lyft Corporate to discuss an agreement, according to Kevin Ploehn and Shane Ketterling. 


4:52pm – Turo 


Jeff Kadlec provides a background on the ride/car sharing business and how they can impact operations at airports.  Not many of the airports had much to say one way or another.  Scott Humphrey and Chris Jensen commented of their presence at their airports and that was pretty much it. 


4:57pm – Shane Ketterling provides overall general airport update for Billings and the projects they are working on currently.  He also offers up tours of the airport to all the membership during their stay while at the conference in his host city. 


5:00pm – Brian Sprenger provides general update on projects at Bozeman 


5:01pm – Laura “      “ with Great Falls Airport stated they didn’t have too many construction projects going on at this time. 


5:02pm – Pam Chamberlin with Butte Airport is excited to talk about their new terminal building construction underway. 


5:03pm – Chris Jensens provides brief update for Missoula Airport. 


5:04pm – Kevin Ploehn provides update additional update for Billings and mentions American Airlines is getting tight on gate space and touches on Storm Water Project completion. 


5:07pm – Ian McKay introduces himself as new the new Deputy Director for Glacier International. 


5:10pm – Lucas Lock provides overall general airport update for Glasgow.   


5:11pm – Jeff Kadlec provides overall general airport update for West Yellowstone.  Mentions new year-round air ambulance service with Air Methods Corporation.  Also a new air tourism helicopter operator is expected to have inaugural service this summer.  First hangar expected to be constructed this summer as well. 


5:12pm – Steve Engebrecht provides general FAA ADO update. 




MAMA President Scott Humphrey adjourned the meeting at 5:20pm.   

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